Correction Policy

Correction Policy For Technicalranjay

INDPrice (also known as “we”, “us”, “our”) would like to inform you about the corrective measures we take in the event that we become aware that some incorrect information has been published on our website. We would like to provide you with this correction policy. We are aware of our obligation to our readers and fully understand that we have a duty to make corrections and notify you promptly.


INDPrice strives to provide its viewers with accurate and complete news reports based on all information available at the time of the report. We try to be prompt in correcting any mistakes in the content on our website as soon as it comes to our attention. Being a digital platform, we correct and clarify on our social media handles or share an editor’s note explaining the correction and error, in addition to updating it in our content. We also apologize to our readers appropriately and timely in the event of a critical error that may result in the dissemination of misinformation.

Updating a Report

If a story is updated, we add notes to it. When we correct a significant error or edit a story to incorporate stakeholder comments and updates, we use a correction, clarification, or editor’s note to inform readers. If our fact-check finds an error (which is done in accordance with our fact-check policy, which can be found at [“Fact-Check Policy”]), we update the article accordingly and mention the correction in bold at the top of the article, along with an explanation of the correction made. We also ask our community members to send corrections to Additionally, readers have the option to suggest any changes at the bottom of each article.


When we make a significant correction to an article, headline, photo caption, graphic, video or other content, we promptly publish the correction and explain the reason for the change.


When our journalism is factually correct, but the language we use to explain the facts is not as clear or detailed as it should be, the story is changed and a clarification is added. Clarifications are also used to note if we initially neglected to take into account a comment or response that was later added to the story or if our description of an event has been changed by new reporting.

Editor’s Notes